The Untouchables 1987 Full Movie English Subtitles

“The Untouchables”, a 1987 film directed by Brian De Palma, is a thrilling crime drama set in prohibition-era Chicago. Led by Elliot Ness, a relentless federal agent played by Kevin Costner, a small team of untouchable lawmen takes on the merciless gangster Al Capone. The movie showcases the relentless battle between good and evil as Ness and his team fight against corruption, violence, and greed to bring down Capone’s empire. With its intense action sequences and iconic performances by Costner, Sean Connery, and Robert De Niro, “The Untouchables” delivers a captivating tale of justice in a black-and-white world tainted with shades of gray.

The Untouchables 1987 Picture

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In the most delightful parlors and genteel drawing rooms, there is a new film making waves that has captivated the hearts of many. “The Untouchables,” dear reader, is a tale that transports us to the rough streets of Prohibition-era Chicago. Allow me to regale you with its engaging and creative storyline, penned with a flair reminiscent of our beloved Jane Austen.

Set in the city’s tumultuous 1930s, this motion picture delves into the news-worthy escapades of a dedicated group of lawmen led by the valiant Eliot Ness. Played by none other than the dashing Kevin Costner, Ness strives to bring down one of history’s most notorious gangsters, Al Capone. The plot thickens when Ness recruits an eclectic cast of characters for his brave mission – an Irish beat cop (wonderfully portrayed by Sean Connery), a sharp-shooting marksman (incarnated splendidly by Andy Garcia), and a bookkeeper-turned-hero (played deftly by Charles Martin Smith).

Ah! The acting in this film simply shines like our most brilliant candlelit soirées. Costner’s performance embodies Ness as a man driven by justice and virtue. His determination to rid Chicago of corruption sets him apart from other heroes we have encountered in both literature and cineamtic endeavours. Connery’s portrayal brings forth an air of wisdom and experience, adding depth to this ensemble piece.

History whispers softly in every frame; it is itself another character woven into the tapestry of “The Untouchables.” The story takes inspiration from true events that unfolded during those tumultuous times when alcohol flowed freely through secret speakeasies. It is said that Capone’s empire was built upon bootlegging and racketeering, corrupting even those entrusted with upholding the law.

With a masterful score composed by Ennio Morricone, this film garnered much popularity with audiences far and wide. Morricone’s music evokes a sense of grandeur, underscoring the tension and excitement throughout. Such skillful compositions transport us, dear reader, to the very heart of this tale, adding to its allure.

I must mention the exquisite cinematography that adorns every scene. The director of photography, Stephen H. Burum, has crafted visuals that truly deserve admiration. From panoramic shots showcasing the city’s sprawling streets to intimate close-ups capturing the raw emotions of our protagonists, each frame is a work of art.

Opinions on this film abound in every corner, much like the whispers at social gatherings. Some critics have praised it for its thrilling dialogue and well-developed characters. The cleverly crafted screenplay by David Mamet deserves accolades for its sharp wit and intelligent banter between Ness and his team.

While applause has come from many quarters, there are critics who have voiced their concerns about certain aspects of “The Untouchables.” Some find fault with aspects such as pacing and predictability, claiming these detract from its overall impact. However, let it be known that criticisms do not dampen the film’s appeal; it retains a strong following to this day.

Ah! Those memorable scenes that linger long after we leave the theater – they are whispered about at every tea party in town! One such scene finds Ness engaging in a heart-stopping chase on horseback with Capone’s henchmen through Union Station. Another sees Connery delivering a monologue filled with sage advice while enjoying a well-deserved drink (or two!).

Gossip swirls amongst society ladies about those enthralling soundtracks forever linked to beloved films. In “The Untouchables,” Randy Edelman’s contribution remains an evergreen topic of conversation during our delightful luncheons and musical soirées.

One cannot help but delve into an analysis of this film’s special effects, which portray the historical era with admirable accuracy. The production design, led by the talented Patrizia von Brandenstein, recreates the smoky speakeasies and grandeur of bygone days with remarkable attention to detail.

Development of this cinematic treat was a tale unto itself. Initially, “The Untouchables” was a television series in the 1950s before being reimagined as a feature film. Director Brian De Palma breathed new life into this story, blending classic themes with his distinctive style to create an unforgettable experience.

Every member of the crew should be commended for their tireless efforts in bringing this vision to life. The critics may criticize, but looking beneath the surface reveals immense dedication evident in every shot. From the production team to costume designers and makeup artists, their contributions shape every single moment we cherish on screen.

As with any esteemed production, there are those who will offer criticism. Some claim that certain scenes lack subtlety or that portions were overly reliant on special effects. Yet, one should remember that flaws are mere trifles when weighed against the larger tapestry of artistry woven by these talented individuals.

“The Untouchables” has garnered much acclaim and received numerous accolades befitting its excellence. Indeed, it secured four well-deserved Academy Award nominations – Best Supporting Actor for Connery’s mesmerizing performance, Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Costume Design (Albert Wolsky), and Best Original Score (Morricone). Though it did not win in these categories, its impact remains etched in our hearts – a far more lasting reward.

Editing plays a crucial role in determining a film’s final form and impact; “The Untouchables” is no exception. Peter Zinner’s deft touch tightened scenes and allowed each character’s story to unfold seamlessly. His skilled hand shaped this masterpiece into what you see upon that glowing screen today.

With “The Untouchables,” dear reader, we are transported to another time and place, where the clash between good and evil unfolds before our very eyes. This motion picture has captivated audiences with its engaging storyline, exquisite acting, and lavish production values – a fitting tribute to an era that continues to fascinate us. As we step out of the theater, we find ourselves longing for more of these captivating tales while eagerly awaiting the next masterpiece to grace our screens.

Technical Data

The Untouchables 1987 Full Movie English Subtitles

  • Release : 1987-06-03
  • Runtime : 119
  • Genre : Crime, Drama, History, Thriller
  • Cast : Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness, Sean Connery as Jim Malone, Charles Martin Smith as Oscar Wallace, Andy García as George Stone, Robert De Niro as Al Capone
  • Crew : Gerald B. Greenberg as Editor, Brian De Palma as Director, Art Linson as Producer, David Mamet as Writer, Oscar Fraley as Book
  • Revenue : $76,270,454
  • Budget : $25,000,000
  • Company : Paramount
  • Popularity : 26.724
  • Summary : Young Treasury Agent Eliot Ness arrives in Chicago and is determined to take down Al Capone, but it’s not going to be easy because Capone has the police in his pocket. Ness meets Jim Malone, a veteran patrolman and probably the most honorable one on the force. He asks Malone to help him get Capone, but Malone warns him that if he goes after Capone, he is going to war.
  • Tagline : What are you prepared to do?
