Things to Come 2016 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Things to Come” is a thought-provoking and introspective film. It follows the journey of a philosophy teacher, Nathalie, as her life undergoes drastic changes. She navigates through personal and professional upheavals, confronting the transient nature of existence. This film delves into themes of loss, resilience, and the pursuit of meaning in a rapidly changing world. With exceptional performances and poetic visuals, “Things to Come” presents a profound exploration of life’s inevitable fluctuations.

Things to Come 2016 Picture

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“Things to Come: Exploring the Triumph of Human Resilience in a World Adrift”

In an era where uncertainties and upheavals prevail, a thought-provoking masterpiece emerges—H.G. Wells’ “Things to Come.” This iconic film, directed by William Cameron Menzies and released in 1936, weaves together a captivating narrative that explores timeless themes of progress, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. By delving into this cinematic gem through the lens of influential psychologist Robert Cialdini’s persuasive techniques, we uncover the movie’s profound impact on audiences then and now.

1. Engrossing Storyline:
“Things to Come” immerses viewers in a dystopian future spanning over a century. Wells’ visionary tale begins with global conflict consuming mankind before transitioning to an uplifting depiction of societal rebirth. By captivating audiences with its imaginative storyline, the film exerts a psychological pull that keeps viewers engaged throughout.

2. The Plot Unveiled:
This masterwork elegantly illustrates Wells’ vision by following Raymond Massey’s Dr. John Cabal—a beacon of hope amidst chaos—as he seeks to rebuild civilization after rampant warfare has decimated humanity. The narrative unfolds as Dr. Cabal confronts challenges from critical thinkers resistant to change, establishing an allegory for humanity’s struggle against stagnation.

3. Fact Meets Fiction:
While set in a future world ravaged by war and totalitarian rule, “Things to Come” eerily foreshadows historical events such as World War II and the rise of authoritarianism. This confluence between fiction and reality lends credence to Wells’ prophetic storytelling abilities.

4. Casting Brilliance:
Raymond Massey’s portrayal of Dr. Cabal is nothing short of exceptional; his nuanced performance encapsulates both determination and vulnerability. Joining him is Ralph Richardson as The Boss—a complex antagonist whose power struggle with Cabal forms the crux of the film’s conflict.

5. Unforgettable Quotes:
“Can this perishable comedy be all that matters? Can the meaning of life be really only a joke about God’s beard?” This poignant quote from Theotocopulos (Cedric Hardwicke) underscores the film’s introspective journey, questioning the essence of existence itself.

6. Captivating Acting and Characters:
The performances in “Things to Come” are a testament to its lasting legacy. Massey’s portrayal as Cabal ignites empathy within viewers, while Richardson’s role as The Boss adds depth to the story’s moral dilemmas. The supporting cast, including Ann Todd and Margaretta Scott, further enriches this cinematic tour de force.

7. Historical Significance:
As one of the first science-fiction films of its kind, “Things to Come” holds immense historical value. It represents a paradigm shift in cinematic narrative by envisioning a future marked by technology and societal transformation.

8. An Enchanting Score and Popularity:
Arthur Bliss’ entrancing score augments every scene, heightening emotions and immersing audiences deeper into this visionary journey. The film’s popularity among both cinephiles and Wells enthusiasts endures to this day due to its striking imagery and profound sociopolitical commentary.

9. Filming Feats Amid Film Noir Influence:
Meticulously crafted by Menzies, “Things to Come” showcases his visionary expertise in production design and cinematography. Distinctive lighting techniques prevalent in film noir complemented Menzies’ mastery of visual storytelling, leaving an indelible imprint on future filmmakers.

10. Critical Evaluation and Awards:
“Things to Come” garnered critical acclaim upon release for its innovative storytelling techniques and thought-provoking themes. Its mesmerizing narrative earned nominations at the Venice Film Festival while receiving widespread praise for its captivating performances.

11. Cinematography that Transcends Time:
Menzies’ visionary approach to cinematography continues to astound modern audiences. From stark landscapes and angular set designs to his skillful use of long shots, each frame showcases the filmmaker’s unwavering commitment to visual storytelling.

12. Opinions and Reviews:
Contemporary critics laud “Things to Come” for its timeless themes and social commentary—a poignant reminder of the importance of progress and resilience even in the direst circumstances. This film straddles the line between science fiction and philosophical exploration, leaving viewers profoundly impacted.

13. Unforgettable Scenes:
From the breathtaking opening air raid sequence to the awe-inspiring futuristic cityscapes, “Things to Come” boasts unforgettable scenes that illustrate Menzies’ mastery of visual storytelling.

14. Gossip from Behind the Scenes:
Behind closed doors, rumors circulated about the intense creative collaboration between Wells and Menzies—a true fusion of two visionary minds striving for perfection.

15. Enchanting Soundtracks:
Enhancing every emotional beat, Arthur Bliss’ entrancing musical compositions bring discernible life to this cinematic classic. From stirring orchestral swells to haunting melodies, his score elevates key moments throughout the film.

16. Analyses That Expand Horizons:
The narrative layers within “Things to Come” allow for diverse interpretations—ranging from examinations of societal progressivism to reflections on human resilience in times of adversity. Engaging with these analyses expands our perspectives on existentialism and progress in an ever-changing world.

17. Special Effects Ahead of Their Time:
Menzies employed groundbreaking special effects techniques at a time when computer-generated imagery was nonexistent. His achievements still inspire contemporary filmmakers with their innovative use of miniatures, matte painting, and practical effects.

18. The Evolutionary Development of Dialogue:
Wells’ rich dialogue seamlessly integrates intellectual debates within the story’s fabric, stimulating thought-provoking discussions long after the credits roll. This approach spurs the audience to reflect on their own preconceptions and beliefs.

19. The Collaborative Crews:
The film’s visionary impact is a direct result of the collaborative synergy between Menzies, Wells, and an exceptional crew. Each individual’s contribution harmoniously coalesced to create a lasting masterpiece.

20. Addressing Criticism with Grace:
While some critics may argue that “Things to Come” lacks character development or fails to fully explore its intriguing concepts, these perceived limitations do not undermine the film’s enduring emotional resonance and profound sociopolitical impact.

“Things to Come” stands tall as a testament to humanity’s resilience and boundless capacity for progress in the face of adversity. Robert Cialdini’s persuasive techniques illuminate the film’s enduring power, enveloping audiences in a thought-provoking journey through time. As we venture into uncertain futures, this cinematic masterpiece serves as a timely reminder of our ability to overcome obstacles and shape our destinies.

Technical Data

Things to Come 2016 Full Movie English Subtitles

  • Release : 2016-04-06
  • Runtime : 102
  • Genre : Drama
  • Cast : Isabelle Huppert as Nathalie Chazeaux, André Marcon as Heinz, Roman Kolinka as Fabien, Edith Scob as Yvette, Sarah Le Picard as Chloé
  • Crew : Carsten Richter as Foley, Carsten Richter as Foley Artist, Denis Lenoir as Director of Photography, Charles Gillibert as Producer, Max Wanko as Dialogue Editor
  • Revenue : $282,382
  • Budget : $2,100,000
  • Company : ARTE France Cinéma, Detailfilm, CG Cinéma
  • Popularity : 7.727
  • Summary : Nathalie teaches philosophy at a high school in Paris. She is passionate about her job and particularly enjoys passing on the pleasure of thinking. Married with two children, she divides her time between her family, former students and her very possessive mother. One day, Nathalie’s husband announces he is leaving her for another woman. With freedom thrust upon her, Nathalie must reinvent her life.
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